How do you use Word Processing software?
I would have to say out of all the Microsoft Office software that we use as teachers, I like Word Processing (WP) the best! I feel it is the easiest to operate and it allows for a variety of different templates to be used or the user can create their own work.
I used Word Processing on a daily basis in my classroom. I would create a weekly classroom newsletter with three columns to keep families informed on everything going on in our classroom. The letter would include weekly spelling words, the subject we were covering in each core subject, important dates to remember, upcoming birthdays in the classroom and always my email and phone number to reach me at the school. I would also type a list of spelling words using WP and attach it to the students planners. Doing this I would hope that one copy of the weekly words would make it home with the students.
I would also create different activities for the students, such as ABC order, word sorts, fill in the blank sentences, beginning of paragraphs and much more. My WP was a key tool in teaching and I was happy to have it and a classroom printer in my class.
How do my students use Word Processing software?
I taught first and second grade where my students attended a computer class once a week for an hour. When they were using WP in my room they were practicing typing and writing stories we had already edited together. Each student would be in charge of typing a couple of sentences for our class books. We also used WP to write letters to other teachers and parents. I have to admit, I didn't create many lesson that required the students to use WP since we only had access to a computer lab once a week, plus while they were in the lab the computer teacher had standards and goals she needed to cover.What else would you like to do with Word Processing?
I feel this is a tricky question to answer. I am not sure what else I could do with Word Processing, currently it offers everything I think I need to be an effective teacher. I have seen where teachers have used WP to create comic strips and have their students create comic strips, maybe that would be something I would like to do with Word Processing.
What are you doing with Word Processing that you think I might enjoy doing?
What are you doing with Word Processing that you think I might enjoy doing?
Blogging is a very fun activity. There are alot of blogging services out there to use. The best are Kidsblog and Edmondo. I use Edmondo. I use blogs as a peer editing tool and to make lively classroom discussions about various topics. The post in edmodo and Kidsblog are moderated by the teacher. In the peer editing students must send out writing peices to four of their classmates for editing. This helps with them become better writers by hearing feedback on their assignments before they submit it. I set out clear examples of what can be said in the chat and it goes from there.One of the parameters is that all post be in a complete sentence and respect each other at all times even if you disagree.