How do you use self created Web sites Software?
I have only created websites for my college classes. When I was teaching (seven years ago), I didn't have the knowledge or resources to create a classroom website. We had a couple of teachers in our school that did have websites but I wasn't one of them.
How do your students use Web Authoring tools?
My students never created websites or used the internet to create. I know see were I was lacking but the school I was teaching at didn't have the resources to help teach these techniques.
What else would you like to do?
The first thing I plan on doing when I return to teaching is to make a classroom website. I hope to update the website weekly adding spelling words, what we are learning in the classroom, and other fun and interactive information for parents and students.
Depending on the grade I teach, I might have the students create their own blogs and have them post on a regular basis about what we are doing in the classroom.
Technology has changed in the amount of time I have been away from teaching and I am excited to rejoin the teaching world and explore all the different forms of technology.