How are you using Technology?
Technology is a wonderful tool when it works correctly. Here is a little bit of background about my teaching experience with technology. When I was teaching, I worked for a newer charter school. During my first year of teaching (which was 10 years ago), I had a new classroom in an old building, which means the room was very antiquated. Technology was lacking in my room and in the school. The school had one computer lab with two printers that the whole school used to print. I had one old computer in my classroom, that worked for email (allowing me to communicate with parents and other staff members) and word. I used it for typing classroom newsletters and that was about it. The following year, the school built a new building and upgraded their technology 100%. Each classroom had two new computers, one for the teacher and one for the students. We also had our own printer,classroom televisions, listening centers in the lower grades and overhead projectors. I know what you are thinking, that was all the technology in the classroom? The staff was happy to receive that. The school also had two new computer labs, so students received computer classes once a week and teachers were able to check out the lab once a week. The following year, the school received classroom pods of 4 student friendly computers for each room. We also had an "ELMO". This was a wonderful tool. It was much like an overhead projector but it also recorded and played back lessons or experiences for students who were absent.
I used the student computers during reading centers. The students would play educational games. We also used the classroom computers to type and research different animals for our science units.
What are some ways you have heard or seen Technology in use and want to learn?
So ten years after I started teaching, technology has really changed. I am currently not a full time teacher but I do volunteer in my son's first grade classroom once a week. His school has "Smartboards" in every room. That was something I dreamed of having when I was teaching. His teacher uses it as a center during math and reading centers. She also uses it to show reading groups, where I had laminated 8 1/2 by 11 pieces of paper to show my groups. Some of the classrooms also have Ipads. I have a tablet at home but that is mostly for Pinterest and Candy Crush. I would love to learn more educational apps and activities to help students when I return to the classroom. On our home tablet I also have a handwriting app. This app has helped both of my children learn to write their letters in a fun way.
I personally would also like to learn how to make a better classroom webpage.